WorldFlight Crew

Greg Hateley
Greg is the owner of the 747-400 simulator. Located in the man cave of his rural property, Greg has built much of the hardware and electronics himself and utilizes the newly released Aerowinx PSX combined with Lockheed Martin’s Prepar3D. Greg was also a member of the flight crew for Worldflight Perth 2013 & 2014.

Callum Strawbridge
Callum has been involved in WorldFlight since 2013 and has been a member of the 747 team since 2015. He works in aviation and has had an active interest in the aviation industry since a young age. Callum provides remote support and assistance from his home in Brisbane throughout the year and is on site for the week of WorldFlight as the resident chef.

Andrew Roberts
Andrew developed a passion for Aviation from a very early age, with some of his earliest memories being aged 4-6, when his grandmother took him on regular visits, to Heathrow, to watch all the planes but especially, the Concorde, which really fascinated him. Later, aged 12, his parents decided to emigrate to Perth and his first ever flight was on a Cathay Pacific Boeing 747-100 into the old Kai Tak airport. This was a time when children were, commonly, invited into the cockpit by the crew.
At the wondrous sight of the 747 cockpit, Andrew, was immediately hooked on the idea of becoming an airline pilot. While that dream never eventuated due to all the pathways closing, with his eyesight issues, his passion for aviation has never waned and he has worked on and off in aviation, over the last 16 years, in Ground Handling, Ground Operations roles and for the last 5 years as an Aerodrome Manager.
So, the opportunity to be a part of the Worldflight 747 crew is almost like a dream come true, for Andrew, and he is very keen to make the most of it in his endeavor to learn how to fly the “Queen of the Skies” as realistically as possible

Jacob Roberts
Jacob has been a part of Greg’s team since 2015, in that time putting his skills to use to complete his own real world flight training, having since flown the Boeing 787 and now the Airbus A320 family. He always finds it a pleasure to fly the Queen of the Skies simulator for Worldflight.

Lesley Daniels
As a keen aviator with a private flight license I have enjoyed flying a variety of aircraft and have completed all the theory subjects in the CASA CPL suite. Starting as a glider pilot at age 19, my flying adventures progressed from 2-seat gliders to single seat gliders, single engine aircraft, tailwheel aircraft, sports aircraft and multi-engine aircraft. I completed my CASA drone license qualification to 25kg drone category in 2020.
My lifelong interest in aviation started with building model aircraft from about 6 years old, then building and flying remote controlled aircraft in my teens and progressing to real aircraft in my twenties. This interest eventually led me to working in a flight simulator for a few years (B777) where I was first introduced to the WorldFlight event in 2013. I have thoroughly enjoyed the WorldFlight events in the B747 simulator and I look forward to a great event this year.

Bob Grimstead
Bob has real world licenses from UK, USA & Australia and his first flight was in 1964! Bob comes to the 747 crew with a wealth of experience having been a British Airways pilot from 1970-2003 (33 years) flying Boeings 707-436, 707-336, 720B, 737-236 & ADV, 747, 757, 767, 747-436. He also has experience in Pa-28-180 Cherokees, DHC-1 Chipmunks and B-95-D-55 Barons among many others.
Bob started flying from airstrips and farm fields more than 30 years ago. He currently owns a Maule M5-180C, an Aeronca 7DC Champ, two Fournier RF4Ds and the prototype Fournier RF47. He is also experienced in maintaining and overhauling airframes and engines. Bob holds both British and an Australian citizenship and has homes and hangars in both England and Australia.

Harrison Hayes
Harrison is embarking on his second world flight adventure. Harrison has spent the last twelve months working towards his RPL as his passion for flying has taken off. Harrison and his family are grateful to the world flight experience for igniting the dream of becoming a commercial pilot as he heads into adult hood with a clear career vision.

Thomas Dellenbach
Thomas entered the world of flight simulation in 2005. He has real world flying experience in the Piper Tomahawk and Cessna 172SP. His passion for Flight Simulation and the desire to connect homemade hardware to Microsoft Flight Simulator led him to study computer languages and build custom applications. One of the applications created is used to interface the motorized B737-800 throttle with the flight simulation software. Thomas has been a member of Worldflight Perth since its inception in 2013 and flew in all three official Worldflight Perth simulators B737-800, B747-400 and B777-200. Thomas is married and has two sons. In his spare time he likes reading, biking and playing soccer.

Josh Cliff